Frequently asked questions

If you need veterinary care for your pet in Highland County VA, you may call:

Dr. Miller (Warm Springs VA) 540 839 2642

Dr. Bowers (in Franklin, WV) 304 358 2360

Dr. Tawney (in Marlinton, WV) 304 799 6803

Veterinary Emergency Services (in Verona, VA) 540 248 1051

Please leave your name and phone number, and a volunteer will call to discuss your situation. It may be possible for HCHS to help.

Contact us for information on how we can help.
Phone: 540 468 1575
Email: [email protected]

Please leave your name and phone number, and a volunteer will call to get your pet scheduled for surgery. The procedure and transportation to the clinic are provided at no cost to you. Your pet can also get a free rabies vaccination on the day of surgery. Any puppy or kitten weighing at least three pounds can go to the clinic. Spay or neutering makes pets happier and healthier!

Contact us for information on how we can help.
Phone: 540 468 1575
Email: [email protected]

Please leave your name and phone number, and a volunteer will call to discuss your situation. It may be possible for HCHS to help.

Contact us for information on how we can help.
Phone: 540 468 1575
Email: [email protected]

Flea and tick preventatives (Advantage, Frontline) are now readily available. Be careful to choose the correct size for your pet. Never use a product meant for dogs on a cat! Follow package instructions carefully. If you’re unable to afford flea or tick preventatives, please leave your name and number. HCHS may be able to help.

Deworming products may be purchased over the counter. You must weigh your pet and follow package instructions carefully.

Young animals need a series of vaccinations to be protected against deadly diseases like Parvo. Ideally, your kitten or puppy will get a combo vaccination when he or she is about two months old, then monthly booster vaccines for another three months. A rabies vaccine at about four months is also needed (required by VA law). Other vaccinations such as kennel cough or Lyme’s disease are available at most clinics. Call a vet to schedule your pet’s vaccinations. Another option is the mobile PetVet that comes regularly to the Staunton Tractor Supply. Call Tractor Supply at 540 887-2569 for more info.

By state law, every cat or dog must have a current rabies vaccination. The first rabies vaccine is good for one year. After that, vaccinations are good for three years. You may also wish to protect your pet from deadly diseases like distemper with other shots given every one or two years. Call a vet to schedule your pet’s vaccinations. Another option is the mobile PetVet that comes regularly to the Staunton Tractor Supply. Call Tractor Supply at 540 887-2569 for more info.

While heartworms haven’t been an issue in Highland County in the past, they are carried by mosquitos, and mosquitos are becoming more of a problem here now. If your dog is bitten by an infested mosquito and develops heartworms, it will get very sick and need expensive treatment. Ask your vet about preventative options.

This is done at the Treasurer’s office in the courthouse in Monterey, VA. You will need to provide proof that your pet has a current rabies vaccination. Registration needs to be renewed each year. Please call 540 468-2265 for more information.

Please call Highland County Animal Control  540 468-3377.

Contact us for information on how we can help.
Phone: 540 468 1575
Email: [email protected]

Start by calling Highland County Animal Control  540 468-3377. Call Alleghany Mountain Radio to report your lost pet 540 468-1234. It’s also helpful to post on Facebook, and to put up LOST PET signs with a photo of your pet and your phone number. Be sure to check vehicles and outbuildings. If you’d like your lost pet to be posted on the HCHS Facebook page, please leave a message with your name, phone number and a photo of your pet.

Please leave your name and phone number, and a volunteer will call soon. We may be able to help your pet stay with you. If not, we’ll do our best to find a foster home where your pet can live until adopted. If you’re in an emergency situation, please call Highland County Animal Control  540 468-3377.

Please call Highland County Animal Control  540 468-3377. If you want to make an anonymous report, HCHS will help. Leave us a detailed message with what you have seen, including the location, and we will get your report to Animal Control without identifying you.

Please apply online at Please answer every question. A volunteer will contact you soon.

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